The Pyramid Code – The complete series (video)

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The Pyramid Code is a documentary series of 5 episodes that explores the pyramid fields and ancient temples in Egypt as well as ancient megalithic sites around the world looking for clues to matriarchal consciousness, ancient knowledge and sophisticated technology in a Golden Age.

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The series is based on the extensive research done in 23 trips to Egypt and 50 other countries around the world by Dr. Carmen Boulter in the Graduate Division of Educational Research at the University of Calgary.

The Pyramid Code features interviews with prominent scholars and authors in multidisciplinary fields: geology, physics, astrophysics, archaeology, bilogical engineering, magnetic field theory, hieroglyphics, and Egyptology. The series explores penetrating questions:

– Who were the ancients and what did they know?
– Could the pyramids be much older than traditional Egyptology would have us believe?
– Could it be that the ancients were more technologically advanced than we are today?
– Why do we have so little understanding of the ancient Egyptians?
– Are there still secrets hidden in plain sight?
– Do new discoveries force the issue of establishing a new chronology?
– Are there little known sites that provide clues to a new understanding of our distant past?
– Are we really the most advanced civilization to ever live on Earth?

Episode 1 – The Band of Peace

This episode raises questions about the purpose of the pyramids challenging the story traditional Egyptology tells. See rare footage of 6 distinct pyramid sites near the Great Pyramid with evidence of superior technology and sophisticated knowledge of science and the cosmos.

Episode 2: High Level Technology

In this episode, evidence that the ancient Egptians used high level technology to construct pyramids and temples is shown. Scientists discuss the source of this power and its applications in the ancient world. Our science is just beginning to grasp what the ancients clearly understood long ago.

Episode 3: Sacred Cosmology

Deciphering the meaning of strange symbols in Egyptian art gives insight into the ancient’s knowledge of sacred cosmology. A new way of interpreting hieroglyphics is presented indication the ancients had sopisticated understanding of physics, biology, and celestial mechanics. A team goes on an expedition into the open desert in search of a remote site of extreme antiquity called Nabta Playa. Here, neolithic stone circles were found marking the motion of the same stars as were tracked in pharonic civilization. The possible connection is discussed.

Episode 4: The Empowered Human

The Empowered Human proposes that the pyramid builders were living in a Golden Age, they had more refined senses, experienced higher levels of consciousness which gave them superior abilities than we have today. The sacred feminine was honored and existed in balance with the sacred masculine.

Episode 5: The New Chronology

After examining the evidence presented in the series, it seems clear that the dates given by traditional Egyptology do not fit. Carefully considering cycles of time through the Gold, Silver, Bronze, and Iron Ages of Plato’s Great Year, a new chronology is emerging that illumines ancient Egypt.

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