Obama verteld dat hij de laatste predident in deze republiek zal zijn, WO 3 is gestopt op 30 april + nog meer goed nieuws.

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Obama verteld dat hij de laatste predident in deze republiek zal zijn, WO 3 is gestopt op 30 april + nog meer goed nieuws.

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Laat het genoteerd zijn in de geschiedenisboeken want Wereld Oorlog 3 is gestopt op 8:59:59 op 30 april.
Ja mensen, ondanks dat het er niet naar uitziet en diverse caballeden hun wapens niet willen inleveren, is de oorlog gestopt.
Deze informatie komt van Neil Keenan en de Drakenfamilie.
Samen hebben ze dik en dun gedeeld maar nu is de kogel door de kerk heen.
Neil zat nooit achter zijn bureau om telefoontjes van 3de partijen op te nemen, maar zat pal aan de linie om voor ons de bonden te regelen.

Boodschap van Neil Keenan naar de mensen toe:

“Here you go! Just as I stated, the family controlled the entire process and got it to me immediately as it was happening in the back room!

We’ve noticed that others are coming out with their information relating to what happened.

And, guess what? It is on the same page as Neil’s so let’s appreciate what Benjamin Fulford and Zap have done for mankind by putting their necks on the line for you the people. There are also others; all you have to do is look.

For those screaming, “impossible”, just look at their histories and what they have done for this world to date.

You will find they are legends in their own minds criticizing the very people who have kept this thing turning to the point where we get an answer.

Sorry, but the world does not need incessant talkers with lullabies and all. Watch how they act and you will immediately notice who is with us and who is not.”

(By the way, Neil made the earlier video while exhausted just to get it out to you as soon as possible.)


Boodschap naar Neil Keenan van de Drakenfamily.

“Let the history books say WWW III ended on April 30, 20016.”

On the evening of April 30th in Washington, DC just before President Obama was scheduled to speak at his White House Correspondent’s Dinner (WHCD), there was a secret back room deal that took place. It was a deal which had Obama and the cabal cornered.

They were given an offer they could not refuse, so after much bickering, they realized they had no choice but to surrender and sign the agreements, as overseeing “President” Dunford would push Obama aside and publicly announce the changing of the guard and the New Republic in front of all the world’s press corps. Little choice did they have!

Citibank was therefore forced to default to AIIB / WF / HSBC and become Basel III compliant.

Security Forces which earlier had been pulled from holding back the Citibank redemption locations were returned by midnight as 800#s and sovereign rates authorized for the Sunday, May 1st release.

This sounds crazy, doesn’t it? But this news was given to Neil from reliable sources at the very top who are now making the changes that are taking place in silence.

As for those who don’t like the fact the Asians are saving our asses… tough! And, yes, they like General Dunford! Most of you did nothing at all but talk so someone had to come around to save you… while you are still endlessly talking.

What was even more strange was when Obama spoke at the April 30th White House dinner where it seems like he was stuck with the old script and didn’t have time to change it before his scheduled talk.

Obama starts by saying, “It is my honor to be at my last, and perhaps the last, White House Correspondent’s Dinner… hahaha”, and he next says, “The END of the Republic never looked better!” 

Wow, what he just say? Well, at least he said, “I am just counting the days before my death panel!” Then in the final act, he said the well-fitting, “I have only 2 words to close with… Obama… Out!” ( We sure hope so from the Intel we heard!)

But wait… he continues and quickly raises two fingers to his lips (Masonic secret degree sign-his obligation that enjoins secrecy) and with his other hand picks up the portable mic, raises it over his head, and then intentionally drops the mic out of his hand to the ground.

This was a very significant closing statement or a sign-language message from Obama to his “fellow men’s club”!

It’s certain that “Two fingers Obama” will keep his obligation that enjoins secrecy, but to whom?

Dingen gaan snel en waarbij de cabal zich op het ene moment zichzelf overgeeft, heeft de cabal zich nu werkelijk overgegeven.
Weet dat er nog wel oorlog zal zijn, maar we zijn veilig.
Bron: http://neilkeenan.com/neil-keenan-update-updated-obama-out-cabal-surrender-currency-revaluation-in-progress/?shareadraft=baba3441_572dd54373413


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